Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 8, 2008

100 inequalities and more - HojooLee

Inequalities are useful in all ¯elds of Mathematics. The purpose in this book is to present standard techniquesin the theory of inequalities. The readers will meet classical theorems including Schur's inequality, Muirhead'stheorem, the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, AM-GM inequality, and HoÄlder's theorem, etc. There are manyproblems from Mathematical olympiads and competitions. The book is available at»ideahitme/eng.html. I wish to express my appreciation to Stanley Rabinowitz who kindly sent me his paper On The ComputerSolution of Symmetric Homogeneous Triangle Inequalities. This is an un¯nished manuscript. I wouldgreatly appreciate hearing about any errors in the book, even minor ones. You can send all comments tothe author at


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